Sunday, October 19, 2008

Pumpkin Patch

We went to the Pumpkin Patch at a local farm on Friday for a fieldtrip with my preschool class. Please see my Tiny Hands Preschool Blog to see all the details on that. I just wanted to highlight Kate in this posting. Here are some pictures of her from our fieldtrip.

Not only is she just absolutely gorgeous, but she is growing up so fast these days. She continues to be our little "Quandry" and you never know if you are going to get the sweet Kate or the Kate who just doesn't care. For example, the other day she swept the entire kitchen floor without being asked (did a great job too). But, just last weekend when my parents were here my mom asked her if she could have a hug. Kate's response: "Sorry, I'm all out." She continues to entertain and amaze on a daily basis. But she is also becoming so grown up and becoming a great little friend to me. To a person who never had a sister to grow up with, this is fun for me. I love my little Quandry with all my heart!


emily said...

What an adorable girl! It's always when you want them to be they're sweet, cute, lovable self that they're not.

Windybrook Spinner said...

Quandry is a really good name for it.

The Stimpsons said...

Hey Crystal, the pumpkin patch looks fun, we went there last week. Good donuts! That family picture of you guys is really good.
Lisa Stimpson

Emily said...

She is honestly such a beautiful little girl - one of those that you have to take a second look because her face catches you off she real or a doll? Yay for pumpkin patches - I can't believe you do a preschool! I feel so completely lazy.....

Harlene said...

Hi Crystal,

I made sugar cookies yesterday using a recipe I got from you and thought, she's so with it, she must have a blog! How fun to have found you and Congrats on beautiful Sadie.

Connor and Kate are so grown up. DO you ever hear from Angie?

Harlene Beckstrand

brownbears said...

Your little Kate is beautiful! And I think it is so great that you're teaching Preschool. I am sure you are the best teacher. We're counting the days for the arrival of baby #3 (Nov. 12th). How was your transition to three? We'll talk soon. Take care