Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Sadie Lee Ashton

We are so excited to welcome Sadie Lee Ashton to our family.

Born April 22, 2008 2:25 PM
8 lbs, 1 oz
22 1/2 inches long

She was born just yesterday, April 22, 2008 at 2:25 PM. Ben and I were both surprised to learn she was a girl. Even though we decided not to find out the gender through ultrasound we both kind of thought it was a boy. But, we are thrilled to have another little girl. Both Conner and Kate are in love with her- especially Conner. They came to the hospital last night to meet their little sister and couldn't get enough of her. Then, Ben brought them back to the hospital again this morning. Conner was so excited to see Sadie again that he got himself all dressed, then he even combed Kate's hair so they could leave sooner. Since Ben's sister Zina has been living with us and she was the one to take the kids to the hospital yesterday, the kids' booster seats were in her car. Conner even got the keys to her car, got their seats out of her car and re-installed them in our car. He just needed to get to the hospital as fast as possible to see his new little sister again. Once there, he couldn't wipe the smile off his face. What a sweetie!

We came home from the hospital this afternoon and we are all doing well. I promise to write more soon... In the meantime, check out these fun video clips of our little sweetheart!


abbys blog said...

hooray from Ethan and I (he is reading the blog with me)!!!


How big was she---we want the details when you feel better!
-the poulton family

Floyd Family said...

Congratulations! Another Beautiful Ashton child! (What else would you expect with such a beautiful mother!!!) I'm so thrilled (and a little jellous... that girl thing just seems to not be part of my world.) I'm glad you are all doing well. Give them all a hug and kiss for me!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations you guys! You made it to full term, Crystal! And Sadie is just perfect! We're so excited for you guys. The pictures are so cute!
-the wunders

Emily said...

Yay! Congratulations! What a sweet little one..and I love her name. You have such a cute little family! I hope she is good baby for you. It sounds like you will have lots of little helpers! Btw, how do you look so good after just having a baby? Beautiful baby and mom!