Monday, September 29, 2008

Conner rides a bike, Kate has a BFF and Sadie can sit up!

Conner is sometimes a little overly cautious. He gets a little scared of "dangerous" things sometimes. Other times he is a complete dare devil. You never know what he is going to do without out fear or what will leave him in tears. So, Ben and I have been a little slow on teaching him to ride a bike without training wheels. Ban had been working with him, but with Ben out of town for three weeks in a row this month, Conner just wasn't making any progress. So, I am proud to say that I took matters in my own hands and taught Conner to ride a bike! I took those training wheels off (using my own tool set that the kids got me for my birthday) and off we went! I ran up and down the street beside Conner. Luckily this was one of those things that he was fearless at! He is now riding a bike all by himself- even to school (with mom or dad trailing behind). The other day Conner and Ben even rode to a park- about a mile away! Way to go Conner!

I happened to be substituting in nursery one day when I witnessed the most interesting thing. Kate and another little girl decided they were best friends. Kate and Alessandra kept holding each other's hands and walking around the class, stopping periodically to hug each other. Now that school is in, they get to see each other every day because they both have older siblings in Kindergarten at the same time. Last week, we invited Alessandra to our house for a play date. It was a first for both of them to have their own friend to play with instead of older brother and sister's friends. They played outside, they played dress ups, they made things out of pink playdough. It was so cute! Kate talks about Alessandra all the time and tells me all the things they are going to do together (make cookies, play babies and go to Disneyland together are this weeks' plans).

Sadie is just getting so big! By that I mean that at five months she is just getting so active and fun, as well as she is really getting big- what a chub! She is almost rolling over by herself and she can now sit by herself- for short periods of time before her big head gives into the pull of gravity and she topples over!


emily said...

Thanks for keeping us posted on your kids. Your post helps me remember how sweet motherhood really is.

Emily said...

Wow! Go Connor! I seriously can't believe how much he has grown up! So crazy. He will always be 2 in my head. Fun that Kate has a BFF (um..does that mean best friends..forever?) and Sadie is such a cute little one! Hooray for all those moments that make being a mom worth it, huh?

Cassy said...

Go Conner! Spencer also recently decided he was done with training wheels and I haven't been able to catch him since!