Saturday, September 6, 2008

Soccer Season Is Here!

So, soccer has begun! By some strange coincidence both the kids have the exact same uniform. Kate wanted pink. Conner thought Superhero red would be great. We settled for green. Conner has practice TWICE a week now, and both Conner and Kate have games on Saturdays. It just so happens that most of them are at the SAME time. Sure is great that we bought that minivan so I can totally be a soccer mom now!

Kate, in her first soccer game EVER scored a goal. When talking to Dad all about it later said, "I scored a goal so cute that Mom clapped for me!" Only Kate could turn scoring a goal into a totally "cutsie" girl activity...

Conner, on the other hand, is ALL BOY! He scored FOUR goals in his first game of the season. We were told by another parent at the game that he is a great runner and should play football next year. Am I ready for that? Ben, on the other hand, says he is ready for a youth wrestling league. Am I ready for THAT?

(Check out the Conner video at the end of this post.)

Although Sadie can't play soccer, this week she at least learned that she had feet. When you lay her down on the floor it is like a reflex action that she must grab her feet and pull them toward her mouth. It is really an unexplained feat of nature that babies can actually do that! (Sadie especially) If an adult had the same size proportions as Sadie (so chubby I stopped counting thigh rolls at 6 each leg...) they wouldn't be able to move, let alone lay on the floor and put their feet in their mouth. Not to mention, chub rolls are super cute when you are a baby...not so cute years later...

1 comment:

Windybrook Spinner said...

Good job. I just can't seem to make myself take the soccer mom plunge yet, so my kids just hang out at home after school. They seem happy enough, but maybe because they don't know anything else. At least E is finally potty trained. Yea!